Episode 21: Marie Kueny: Dealing with Challenges, Healing the Grief

Two special guests join me in this inspiring episode - Marie Kueny of the Compassionate Educators podcast, and grief coach, Kaley Zeitouni.  They are here to help us deal with everything that is going on, and all the things that no longer are.  So If you are a parent, teacher or student feeling burnt-out, depressed or overwhelmed or if you are grieving over what we lost from the past and what won't be happening now in the future, this episode is for you.

Two special guests join me in this inspiring episode - Marie Kueny of the Compassionate Educators podcast, and grief coach and host of the podcast Lemonade Stand, Kaley Zeitouni.  They are here to help us deal with everything that is going on, and all the things that no longer are.  So, If you are a parent, teacher or student feeling burnt-out, depressed or overwhelmed or if you are grieving over what we lost from the past and what won’t be happening now in the future, this episode is for you.

Marie Kueny

Marie Kueny

Special thanks to my guests Marie and Kaley.

Also shout outs of gratitude to Heather Tillman for the fauxmercial idea for Who Cares, and to my incredible voice actors Eli Schiff and his wonderful son Jakey Schiff (see his resume below)

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Kaley Zeitouni

Kaley Zeitouni

Important Links and Resources:

Compassionate Educators website

Free 5-day Emotional Fitness workshop May 18www.compassionateeducators.com/workshop 


Free support group on FB - Staying Centered Through Coronavirus: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stayingcentered

IG: @KaleyZeitouniOfficialFB: @Kaley Zeitouni

Use The Pause: https://www.facebook.com/UseThePause

Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning


Episode 22: Shannon Green and Vickita Bhatt: Going Gradeless: The Path Forward


Episode 20: In the International Trenches with Educators from Around the World